The project has been designed to promote participatory approaches in managing Kazimzumbwi forest through capacity building and action based conservation activities.
Kisarawe district is among the six district of the Coastal Region in Tanzania. According to the Socio Economic Profile by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of Tanzania, the district comprises of four forest reserves both owned by the central government. Being close to the Dar es salaam City, the district experience heavy deforestation especially for those forests surrounded by villages where by trees are cut down in big numbers for daily domestic and business requirements of urban dwellers and villagers themselves. The extracted forest products are mainly for fuel wood, charcoal, building poles and timber. On the other hand routine tree planting seems not to be a priority to many people due to low education, awareness and participation of the public on environmental conservation issues. Other factors that pose a serious concern to Kisarawe forest reserves includes uncontrolled forest fires caused by farmers clearing their farmlands, fires started by hunters in bush and forests, and fires as a result of honey collecting activities.
A number of initiatives have and are continually being done to restore the natural environment and correct the previous mistakes. The government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set up a strategy to address land degradation and preserve water catchments through the various governmental institutions in partnership with the private sector. The Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, in conjunction with the Forest Department, CARE, WWF and the youth vision of Kisarawe are running long-term conservation programme in the area. The Joint Environment and Development Management Action (JEMA) based at the University of Dar es salaam in collaboration with other environmental partners in particular the Rufford Foundation has also made some inputs to serve the forest which currently is being highly attacked with forest fires and community encroachment. However, more effort is required to better involve local communities within and surround the forest reserve to harmonise sustainable relationship with the forest and take effective part in the conservation efforts.
This project therefore is a capacity building and action based conservation project designed to promote participatory approach in managing the Kazimzumbwi forest. The targeted group under this phase involve primary schools, village environmental committees and the local government authority in Kisarawe. The project goal will be realized through development and dissemination of environmental awareness materials, training workshop targeted at local community members including village environmental committee members and tree planting practices to involve local community members and school children within and around Kazimzumbwi forest. It is expected that, the project will increase the human resource base in addressing environmental conservation issues, increase the participation of local people in conserving the forest and serve the conservation needs in Kisarawe beyond the project timelines and geographic reaches.