Assessment of Xanthocyparis vietnamensis Nature Protected Status in Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam
Mapping and Assessment of Xanthocyparis vietnamensis Subpopulations in Cao Bang, Ha Giang and Lang Son Provinces (Vietnam)
Proposed investigation expects field assessment of distribution, habitat conditions and natural status of recently discovered critically endangered mysterious species of slipper orchid – Paphiopedilum canhii for elaboration of strategy for its protection. This locally endemic species with unknown, certainly extremely restricted distribution has very isolated taxonomical position and represent Vietnamese plant endemism of highest level. It represents very high commercial interest for plant dealers and can extinct in the nature in nearest future due to commercial over collecting.
Gleadovia konyakianorum in nature. © D.K. Roy.
Field botanical explorations during last years outlined rocky limestone areas of northern Vietnam with their highly endangered primary forests as unique very significant center of Paphiopedilum speciation and diversity (Averyanov et al., 2003). These studies reveal on this territory more than 25 local endemics with dramatically restrict distribution. Many of them were formally described outside of Vietnam on the base on plants exported by commercial collectors. Very often science got no any reliable information about nature of these species. Sometime such field investigations were organized too late, when species already completely extinct in the wild due to over collecting as it happened, for example, with Paphiopedilum vietnamense (Averyanov et al., 2001).
Proposed exploration program expects field study of Paphiopedilum canhii, species recently discovered in Vietnam (Averyanov et al., 2010) for identification of its status in nature and elaboration of strategy for its protection. Mentioned species has very isolated taxonomical position and undoubtedly has extremely limited distribution. Species currently represents very high interest for commercial collectors and plant dealers. It may certainly extinct in nature very fast and can not be studied in its natural wild conditions.
Paphiopedilum canhii was described on the base of few plants, origin of which remains mysterious. They were discovered in remote mountain area by local minority who brought these plants to local office of Natural Resources Governance, CARE International in Vietnam. At the office plants were received by service officer – Mr Chu Xuan Canh, who kept plants for scientific study. Preliminary study of these plants revealed unique character and very isolated their taxonomical position, that resulted in description of new species for science – Paphiopedilum canhii (Averyanov et al., 2010).
The publication of discovered species attracted great attention of science society, but also activated interests of international orchid dealers. Now the species is obviously in great threat. It can extinct in the nature very fast without special investigation and professional botanical assessment. In this connection it is very important to organize field studies for detailed assessment of this species as soon as possible. Without this action we have very little chance to get any knowledge about this unique slipper orchid species and save it for the future.