16 Sep 2016 Aceh Besar, Indonesia, Asia Marine | Education
Environment Education and Awareness Raising through Community-Based Biodiversity Assessment in Conflict and Tsunami Affected Area of Ujung Pancu Peukanbada Aceh Besar NAD Province Indonesia
Conservation of Coastal Marine Eco-Systems of Aceh Besar by Supporting Traditional Fishing Commanders to Set Up Locally Managed Marine Protected Areas.
To map the presence of and identify threats to protected marine species in the coastal waters of Aceh Besar. To start up 2 turtle nests protection sites and increase awareness of coastal marine issues using UNESCO Sandwatch project in 2 schools on Pulau Aceh Islands.
Interview fishing leader Beureunut-Lampanah-Seulimuem.
This survey covers whale sharks, sharks, mantas, turtles, dugong, seahorses, humphead wrasse and glass eel, all protected by Government of Indonesia. The project begins with seminar/ workshop with species experts and major stakeholders (government, academia, INGO’s, local NGO’s community & student groups, tourist operators, media) to define the project limits, roles of stakeholders, survey methods & threats to species. Fishing communities have substantial local knowledge they are a key component of this survey. Fishermen in 14 fishing commander areas will be interviewed. The data once analysed will be followed by field surveys where possible to get first hand evidence .YL will produce a final map showing locations and seasons when species have been seen to be presented to the experts, stakeholders including fishing community representatives to review the data and consider steps to mitigate threats to species and who could carry out those steps. Finally, maps and results of previous meeting will be presented in 14 fishing sites to consider threat mitigation plans and their role in this process. Final results will be shared at local, provincial and national level to elicit attention and funding from national government marine species protection team and conservation organisations.
Marine Environment Education & Awareness Campaign
Turtles are nesting on the 2 islands of Pulau Nasi & Pulau Breuh and eggs are sold as additional income in fishing communities. Both islands want to promote tourism and increase their knowledge on marine issues. To address this YL will introduce UNESCO Sandwatch project to 2 schools, one on each island involving children, teachers & wider community. This field based project seeks to develop an awareness of the fragility of the marine and coastal environment. One Sandwatch activity is the set up of a turtle nesting protection site near the school with community involvement. The later release of the hatchlings can be advertised as an event to bring visitors to participate in their release and make a contribution for continued nest protection. YL will discuss with fishing/community the idea of using local customary law to keep a % of the turtle eggs to protect & release which they can then promote to attract tourists. YL will support two festivals per island, one with children’s competitions and results of Sandwatch project and another focusing on local culture and tourism. Both events will be promoted widely in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Pulau Wey to attract national and international visitors.