Conservation of Pangolin of Bhutan

Lubhu Waitan

Th aim of the project is to improve the pangolin conservation awareness among local people and to protect and conserve endangered pangolin and their habitats with local communities’ participation.

The scaly anteater or pangolin is one of the fantastic mammals of Bhutan. Here, pangolin, Manis pentadactyla, is one of the endangered animal in Bhutan and classified as Endangered Species in IUCN, 2008 Red List. Although queer pangolins come under the protected list mammals of Bhutan, they do not receive a good cover of protection for survival in the wild. Besides, our knowledge about its life in the wild is meagre indeed.

Currently, the population of pangolin has steadily diminished due to a slow nocturnal, burrowing habit and harmless nature; they fall readily at the hand of tribes as accustomed hunters readily discover pangolin's burrows. Therefore, to kindle and encourage the pangolin conservation spirit in the hearts of local tribes, we have to improve the awareness of the importance of pangolin conservation among the public, as we are being trustees of nature.

On the other hand, the pangolin plays a dominant role in the balance off nature: they keep a harmonious balance of ants, termites and other insects life in the forests acting as a formidable biological controller. Therefore, the conducting of pangolin conservation work with local community involvement will encourage the ecological balance and stability. Besides, during and after the project, local people will know that pangolin is a rare and endangered animal. Then, they will conserve this valuable genetic resource in Bhutan for future. Therefore, this project is essential for local people, pangolin, and nature resources balance in the local communities' ecosystem.

Finally, the role of pangolin in the ecosystem balance, the awareness and participation of local people and the implemented project works will greatly support and ensure the substantial and long lasting contribution to nature conservation.

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