Distribution and Conservation of Butterfly Species in the Pampean Hills

Luis Volkmann

Other projects

17 Jan 2004

Environment Application and Study of Environmental Problems in the Forest of the Cordoba Hills, Argentina

This project aims to foster knowledge of the distribution and ecology of rare or threatened butterfly species in central Argentina, a complete educational, scientific and conservation approach.

Copia de Pampasatyrus yacantoensis.

Copia de Pampasatyrus yacantoensis.

This project contemplates an integral approach concerning distribution and general biological aspects of rare butterfly species of the Pampean hills in central Argentina. We expect to compare the existence or lack of this species on the field, grade of alteration or modification detected in the environment, and establish an ecological and predictive model of distribution for this rare/endemics species. We expect to detect relevant sites for the conservation of biodiversity. We also expect to create consciousness of the importance of preserving the biodiversity within the inhabitants, stressing the relationship between well preserved environments and benefits for human population. Data, photos and other information obtained through field work will be used to print and distribute an illustrated Guide of Butterflies of Central Argentina (Pampean Hills).

Synargis axenus.

Synargis axenus.

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