Developing effective conservation tools for Pampas Meadowlark in Argentina

21 May 2024 Southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Central and Latin America Birds

Maria Candelaria Neyra

The Pampas Meadowlark (Leistes defilippii) is an endemic songbird of the Pampa ecoregion, listed as Vulnerable globally. The population of this species has had a reduction of over 90% compared to its historical distribution as a result of the loss of grasslands transformed into agricultural fields. Today, most of its populations are concentrated in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, and the surviving subpopulations are facing problems associated with small populations. Nest predation and unplanned grazing are among the main threats currently affecting these subpopulations.

Installing nest defenses demands the team to work together. © Nico Pérez.

Installing nest defenses demands the team to work together. © Nico Pérez.

The aim of our project is to develop management conservation tools that will increase the reproductive output of this threatened grassland species. Specifically, the objectives of this project are to increase the nesting success of Pampas Meadowlark by protecting active nests against predators and cattle, and to identify and protect key breeding sites of this grassland songbird in Southwestern Pampa.

A male Pampas Meadowlark, on the right, fiercely guards  the nest territory, while on the left, the patient female awaits to nourish the nestlings at the perfect moment. © Nico Pérez.

A male Pampas Meadowlark, on the right, fiercely guards the nest territory, while on the left, the patient female awaits to nourish the nestlings at the perfect moment. © Nico Pérez.

Header: A conservationist strides searching for hidden nests among the Pampas grasslands, while a Pampas Meadowlark gracefully soars nearby. In the pasture behind, cattle peacefully graze, showcasing the delicate balance between conservation efforts and sustainable coexistence. ©Nico Pérez.

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