8 Dec 2003 Laguna Blanca National Park, Argentina, Central and Latin America Amphibians
Developing a Conservation Program for Atelognathus patagonicus and Endangered Endemic Frog of Northwestern Patagonia
Towards the conservation of an endangered frog from the Laguna Blanca National Park, North Eastern Patagonia, Argentina
Athelognathus patagonicus is an endemic frog from a lagoon in a small area surrounding Laguna Blanca National Park, Northwestern Patagonia. In 2000 it was categorized as endangered because it disappeared from the main water body, the Laguna Blanca. The apparent cause was the introduction of a Patagonian fish “Perch” that had never lived on these lagoons.
The aim of this project is to do surveys and monitor the surrounding lagoons to detect the presence of this frog and study their abundance and phenology. The team will also test tadpole susceptibility and the alteration of aquatic vegetation (the frogs' refuge) as possible causes of their extinction.