Agroforestry Systems as a Strategy for Conservation of the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) in its Habitat – the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Maria Ines da Silva Bento

Agroforestry systems as a Strategy for Conservation of the Golden Lion Tamarin in its habitat.


This project will apply restoration strategies for conservation of the Atlantic Forest through the effective involvement of the local rural communities. Agroforestry systems (AGF) are forms of using and managing natural resources, in which woody species are associated simultaneously or in sequence with agricultural crops or livestock. Based on Atlantic Forest dynamics and biodiversity, AGF promote greater sustainability of production and soil fertility, allied with production diversification and low use of chemicals.


The advantage of supporting farmers to implement AGF in their parcels is the capacity of these systems to maintain good production levels in the short, medium, and long term. We intend to multiply the model already used by 15 families, by involving 06 new families in these conservation and sustainable development efforts. The promotion of sustainable development has fundamental importance for the effective conservation of the remaining Atlantic Forest. In addition, the association of agricultural species with tree species native to the Atlantic Forest permits the creation of forest corridors to increase the connectivity among forest fragments in the settlements and the neighbouring Reserve. Based on the positive results of these first experiences with AGF, we intend now to increase the number of families using these practices

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