Development of Measures for the Conservation of the Desert Monitor in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

29 Mar 2016 Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan, Asia Reptiles | Education

Marina Chirikova

Other projects

3 Aug 2011

Study and Conservation of the Desert Monitor (Varanus griseus (Daudin 1803)) in Kazakhstan

The studies will clarify the distribution, population density, and the state of populations of desert monitor in Kyzyl-Kum on the territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and According to the results of the research, recommendations will be provided to the official organizations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Active promotion of information about these species involving media, zoos, and schools to reduce negative attitudes towards desert monitor.

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According to the results of the research of the first project in 2012, prospective areas for research of desert monitor in Kazakhstan were identified. Some of them we have visited in 2015, but the most remote areas remained unexplored. Expeditionary trips are planned to North and Central Kyzyl-Kum on the territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The studies will clarify the distribution, population density, and the state of populations of desert monitor in Kyzyl-Kum on the territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In order to spread information about the problems of protection of desert monitor we will continue the campaign "Attention! Desert Monitor!" In the different mass media we will publish interviews and articles about the desert monitor and the work which was done in this direction.

Lectures will be held in schools and universities not covered in the first part of the project, local competitions in drawing and reference works will be carried out among students, also the round table, and the participation in conferences will be performed.

We will continue the purposeful distribution of posters and calendars with the original photos of desert monitor published in the first project, also the brochures about the desert monitor and other representatives of the desert fauna will be published. The information about the continuation and progress of the project will be placed on the site “Herpetofauna of Kazakhstan” and other zoological and environmental sites. In 2013, our proposal for the creation of protected areas in the Kyzyl-Kum was included in the plan of protected areas of Kazakhstan up to 2020. As part of the project, it is planned to lobby specification and implementation this recommendation.

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