Safeguarding the Critically Endangered Tiny Squeaker Frog (Arthroleptis Kidogo) in Mkingu Nature Reserve, Tanzania

24 May 2024 Mkingu Nature Reserve, Tanzania, Africa Amphibians | Biodiversity | Communities | Forests

Mataba Bulugu Lisesi

Arthroleptis kidogo (A.kidogo) is a Critically Endangered amphibian in East Africa ( and listed at 15.RL.ID.175360 in the 2022 EDGE species list. A.kidogo is known from the montane forests of South Nguru Mountains (now part of the Mkingu Nature Reserve) in Morogoro region, Tanzania (Blackburn, 2009). The frog is endemic to the reserve, inhabiting the remaining patches of less than 28km² of this fragmented habitat (Blackburn,2009). A.kidogo is an incredibly small species of frog; with adults reaching less than 1.5cm. It is the smallest Arthroleptis species and the smallest frog species in Tanzania known to have a small range, living only on forest leaf litter (Blackburn, 2008; Channing and Howell, 2006).

Arthroleptis kidogo. ©Menegon.

Arthroleptis kidogo. ©Menegon.

This species is only known to be from one locality near Ubiri village (Blackburn,2009). Ubiri, with 1,382 people, is an enclave within the reserve. Although portions of the forest are protected as a reserve, activities such cultivation of shade crops, cardamom and yams, puts a lot of challenge in the conservation of this species as cultivation of these crops disturbs the forest floor which is the primary habitat for A.kidogo (Menegon et al.,2008). Moreover, runoff from agricultural chemicals and pollutants finds its way into the frog aquatic breeding sites, poisoning both water and amphibians. The fragile ecosystems that support this incredible species are increasingly contaminated, hence, threatening its survival (Menegon et al.,2008). Even though the forest receives protection from the government, ongoing human activities that pose harm to other species cause further decline in the quality of this microhabitat, potentially driving the frog to extinction in the wild. In addition, the expansion of Ubiri within the reserve threatens the species’ long-term survival. This project aims to provide detailed information of A.kidogo population size, distribution and habitat characteristics, and raise awareness of the importance of conserving A.kidogo and other frogs.

Mataba Bulugu Lisesi. ©Mataba Bulugu Lisesi.

Mataba Bulugu Lisesi. ©Mataba Bulugu Lisesi.

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