19 Sep 2024 Punta Pérula, Mexico, Central and Latin America Communities | Habitats | Education | Turtles
Enhancing a Community-Based Hawksbill Turtle Conservation Program in Mayto-Tehuamixtle, Jalisco
Participation of the local community members, their experience, knowledge of local environment, flora and fauna are key elements for the success of a conservation program. Thanks to the creation of regional, multi-community networks, we have been able to mark more than 160 juvenile and sub-adult critically endangered Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles, with more than 95% of captures done by fishers and community members while diving for oyster, lobster and octopus.
We aim to identify the specific ecological role those resident hawksbills serve in the rocky reef off the southern coast of Jalisco. This area is a primary site for fishing and tourism and fulfils the livelihood of various inland communities. We believe that the rocky and coral reef habitat may be identified as critical foraging habitat and should be recognized as such for the long-term conservation of the population.
Hawksbill turtle after being released. ©Michael Farid Zavala Armenta.
We will collect data to elucidate connectivity between sites, determine population structure, habitat use, growth rates and site affinity of hawksbill sea turtle. As well as collecting blood and tissue, for future biochemistry and health, genetic and diet studies. This will help understand interaction with fisheries and connection within sites. Lastly, we will collect historical data on hawksbill abundance and distribution in the area. Workshops with locals, tourists, volunteers and students will also take place to create conscience and spread our work. Information gathered will be used to create adequate strategies that benefit sea turtle and fisheries conservation.
Hawksbill turtle observed during in water monitoring. ©Michael Farid Zavala Armenta.
Header: Public release. ©Michael Farid Zavala Armenta.