Assessment of Atelopus limosus Population and Generating Habitat Characteristics through Ecological Niche Modelling

10 Nov 2010 Cocobolo Nature Reserve, Panama, Central and Latin America Amphibians

Michael S Roy

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19 Jun 2015

Persistence in Spite of Chytrid: A Re-survey of Atelopus limosus in Panama

The aim of the project is to monitor Atelopus in CNR and to investigate areas of occurence and related ecosystem parameters in order to develop a habitat conservation strategy.


Atelopus limosus is a red-listed species and runs under the IUCN category "Endangered B1 ab (iii)", criteria according to the definition as stated in version 3.1: Listed as Endangered because its Extent of Occurrence is less than 5,000 km2, its distribution is severely fragmented, and there is continuing decline in the extent and quality of its forest habitat in Panama. Its population trend is judged “Decreasing” and its disappearance seems to be linked with human interference, though the determining factors are yet to be revealed. Reversely, Atelopus can be seen as indicator species to undisturbed and intact forest ecosystems, which are on the decline.

By constantly working towards the improvement of CNR’s habitat quality, we maintain integrity with our greater objective, which is forming part of an ecological corridor along the narrow and highly vulnerable isthmus of Central America. With utmost dedication to conservation issues, CNR strives to preserve and create healthy tropical forests with high ecosystem value, in order to function as a strong and reliable segment in the chain of protected areas within Panama, providing refuge and serving as hub to promote wildlife fluctuation, while also protecting rare endemic plants and their habitat.

Atelopus limosus with its extremely limited natural habitat deserves highest priority in terms of conservation activities and areas of Atelopus’ occurrence should by all means be sheltered and closely studied to extract species specific knowledge, that up to date is still sparse. The Maxent software program for ecosystem niche modelling provides an effective tool processing monitoring data for conservation purposes. The key objectives of the project are:

- Profound understanding of Atelopus limosus, its geographical dispersion and frequency in CNR An accurate model of Atelopus habitat through the ENM program.

- A conservation plan targeting the essential parameters for Atelopus niche requirements. The results from the generated model focusing on Atelopus will have various fields of implementation. Apart from conservation activities in CNR to restore and create Atelopus habitat, the model could supply a useful database for any other activities aimed at the prevention of Atelopus’ extinction nationally and internationally, as well as serving scientists and researchers on related subjects.

- Studying, protecting and creating habitat means acting against the loss of the planet’s biodiversity.

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