Aim of the project is to find and map existing populations of rare and endangered small mammals in Southern Ukraine
Spalax zemni. ©Milhail Rusin
Steppe region of Europe is one of the most transformed by human impact. We focus on small mammals of Ukrainian Steppe Zone. They are unfortunately overlooked and under researched too often. At this stage we are making a detailed survey on distribution of rare and endangered small mammals in Southern region of Ukraine (Odessa, Nikolayev and Kherson). As a result we want to make detailed maps of their current distribution that will help us to identify perspectives and possibilities how to develop managing plans with these species. Between species we can name several keystone species, such as speckled ground squirrel (Spermophilus suslicus), mole rats (Spalax spp.), European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) and other. All of them are protected by the National Red Book of Ukraine and several of them are listed as NT, VU or EN in the IUCN Red List.