30 Apr 2018 Radovče, Montenegro, Europe Biodiversity | Plants | Habitats
Dinaric arid karst fields are extremely sensitive ecosystems, shaped throughout centuries by human activities. These ecosystems have unquestionable economic, biological, landscape and cultural value.
The goal of the project is to enhance existing knowledge about plant life of arid karst poljes: Grahovsko polje, Dragaljsko polje and karst poljes in Piperi (Radovče, Kopilje and Gostilje Martinićko) and to give deeper insight into its composition and structure, as well as to emphasize the importance of its conservation.
The dataset about the structure, function and importance of dry meadows and grassland ecosystems of arid karst fields in Montenegro as well as recognized threats will serve as a base for all conservation and educational activities. It is expected that the dataset will serve to local authorities and policy makers for preparation of “environmentally friendly” management plans.
Intensification of agricultural activities in Grahovsko Polje. ©Milica Stanišić.
Dry meadows and grassland ecosystems of arid karst fields in Montenegro repesent potential NATURA 2000 habitat type. These habitats are appreciated for biodiversity and cultural heritage values, but are threatened by land use changes in the form of agricultural intensification or abandonment. The existing data on the plant life of arid karst fields in Montenegro were not the result of systematic research. Therefore, it is very important to collect all relevant information on native and alien flora, vegetation and habitat types to form a basis for conservation and sustainable use.
The project is divided into 2 parts: scientific part and promotion of results.
Activities included in the scientific part of the project and education will be carried out by national and international experts in the field of floristics, vegetation, habitat mapping, as well as in education. The field work will include 5 karst fields in Montenegro: Radovče, Kopilje, Gostilje Martinićko, Grahovsko polje and Dragalj. Investigations will include 2 aspects: the floristic and the vegetation one. The floristic investigations will include all aspects of flora (early spring to late autumn), while the vegetation survey will be undertaken during the vegetation optimum (end of May-end of June).
Activities condsidering project promotion will be supported by activits from NGO sector. Results of the study will be available in different forms for different target groups. The local authorities and policy makers will get detailed elaborate, scientists will be informed about the project via Research Gate, local population, farmers and visitors via lectures and workshops, daily news articles and interviews, exhibition and informative tables.
Lectures will be organized on different levels and for different target groups: pupils, students, young researchers, local population and visitors. Although the concept of the lectures will be different, the goal is the same: to raise the knowledge about dry meadows and grasslands ecosystems of arid karst fields, its biological value and to promote its conservation. Herbarium specimens, photographs, posters, and drawings will be presented in the form of mobile exhibition, which will be first displayed at the Manifestation “Days of Biology and Science”, at the Biology Department in Podgorica, and in the schools in Grahovo, Nikšić, Podgorica. At the end of the project a short documentary about the biodiversity of semiarid grasslands and their conservation values will be prepared. The documentary will be promoted at the manifestation „Days of Biology and Science“.