27 Jun 2016 Gaza, Palestine, State of, Middle East Marine | Fishes | Education
Assessment of the Gaza Fishery of the Giant Devil Ray (Mobulamobular) In the Wider Context of its Protection Status in the Mediterranean I
In 2015, the Rufford Foundation supported a research to investigate the mobulid fishery in Gaza. The achievements of this first project have provided very valuable data and information on this already endangered mobulid species. An expansion of this project to include monitoring of other fish markets along with daily monitoring to collect time-series data is recommended. This extension of the project will also ensure the collection of baseline data of all elasmobranchs landed, which will include any shark species as well. This will enable the collection of more detailed morphological data along with additional genetic samples for population analyses.
This project will be carried out to obtain a clearer understanding of the current status of the mobulid fishery in Gaza and is in response to the reports and images obtained from Gaza displaying a mass culling of Mobula mobular. Our understanding is that this was not an unusual or sporadic event and that an established fishery for this particular species exists and therefore data obtained through surveys from this project will provide us with information required to conduct long-term research and conservation objectives for this region.
Given that this species is listed as Endangered by the IUCN, any such targeted fishery is likely to have a drastic effect on their populations. This project aims to assess the scale of this fishery, confirm the species being landed and make management policy recommendations.
Major activities:
1- Collect data on mobulid rays and other elasmobranchs from fish landing sites in Gaza.
2- Estimate the scale and sustainability of the Gaza mobulid fishery.
3- Collect data on shark fish landing sites in Gaza.
4- Conduct comprehensive awareness raising campaigns and education programs targeting consumers, fishermen and fish dealers.