To provide appropriate place for farmers to learn more on organic agriculture (local rice) and setting up a group of organic farmer in order to run marketing system themselves.
Making compost.
On this project, firstly I want to setup the centre to be appropriate place for the farmers, because when they learn on the process of organic agriculture they should learn in practical way. So they will practice skills and gain more knowledge on organic farming in order to adapt to their paddy fields.
In the centre we will setup places for meeting, keep the tools, produce compost and organic fertilizers, toilet and water system for the centre including farm. So the farmers or anyone who interest to learn on organic way can join our activities especially organic local rice. During setting the centre time, I will invite farmers to know and aware on organic way and the concept of sustainable agriculture, then when we can learn and practice in the centre with some outside farmers who have knowledge and experiences on organic agriculture. The farmers can exchange experiences about agriculture with each other.
Other method is very important is taking them to visit organic farmers who have finished and continuing organic farming, this activity will be very useful because they can learn directly from organic farmers and can inspire them to adapt new knowledge and skills to their farm. During this time we will have meeting and sharing, example; if they have any obstacles they can share to other members and try to find the solutions.
Last activity is very important for the farmers is setting up marketing system, it doesn’t means after this process we will stop the implementation, but we will continue the activities and invite more farmers to be a member of organic farmers and spread out of the concept of sustainable agriculture for other people. In the process of setting up the marketing system, we will contact with green market in Chiangmai province and other provinces. As I know the situation of organic product is not enough, the green markets still need more products but they don’t know where people do organic farming.
Therefore, I think if the implementation of the project go well, that means we can expand organic farm to be bigger and able to be real sustainable agriculture which take care of the nature and environments including healthier.