Population Status, Diet and Community-Based Conservation Initiative for Globally Endangered Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris) on Central Coast in Bangladesh

Naim Khandakar

Great Knot is an endemic shorebird to the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Following recent and dramatic population declines, Great Knot has been up listed to globally endangered species (IUCN 2019). While declines have been documented in several key wintering and stopover areas in world, no in-depth study have been done in Bangladesh.

Observing migratory shorebirds including the globally Endangered Great Knot on central coast of Bangladesh.  © Shariful Islam.

Observing migratory shorebirds including the globally Endangered Great Knot on central coast of Bangladesh. © Shariful Islam.

Understanding ecology of the Great Knot in Bangladesh, namely, to ascertain how it uses its habitat, and determine their prey preferences are fundamental for adopting a better-informed conservation management policy for any species let alone endangered Great Knot. The object of this project is to know these unknowns to help in conservation of this endangered species.

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