Enhancing the Conservation of Yellow-Cheeked Crested Gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) in Vinh Cuu Nature Reserve, Vietnam
The project aims to provide data on its distribution and status of the gaur in Northern provinces and develop a follow-up conservation programmes for the gaur and wild cattle in Vietnam.
Landscape of the north west provinces.
The gaur (Bos gaurus) distributes widely throughout Vietnam from the northwest to the far south; however, due to illegal hunting and habitat destruction the gaur population was reduced from between 4,000-5,000 to only a few hundred individuals, with the northern population (from Hue to Lai Chau) being the most effected and now may include about 10 isolated herds each with several individuals. However, there is no information available on current population of the animal in this important region; hence status of the gaur in Northern provinces is uncertain.
Aims of the project are to assess the current gaur population and provide information and recommendations for immediate conservation action to ensure the survival of the threatened wild cattle populations in Northern Vietnam.
Field surveys will be carried out in about eight Northern provinces where the gaur is believed to distribute. The surveys will be undertaken within 2007-8 with several months for field trips, data analyses and report preparation. Results of the survey will be assembled with available information from the southern provinces to provide a status review of gaur in Vietnam. In addition, information from survey will be used to develop a follow-up proposal for gaur and wild cattle monitoring and conservation.
The project provides excellent opportunity for young Vietnamese scientists to continue to develop their career on conservation. Activity of the project will be an important link to consolidate the existing cooperation and expertise among local scientists in conserving globally threatened species and Vietnam’s nature heritage.