Conservation of Endangered Ungulates in North Huong Hoa Nature Reserve, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam

16 Nov 2009 North Huong Hoa Nature Reserve, Vietnam, Asia Mammals

Nguyen Ngoc Tuan

The project aims are to confirm the population status, identify threats and to provide conservation recommendation for endangered ungulate species in North Huong Hoa Nature Reserve.

Camera trap picuture of Tragulus javanicus.

Camera trap picuture of Tragulus javanicus.

North Huong Hoa nature reserve is the newest protected area in Central region, covers 25,200 hectares of evergreen forest in the west part of Central Annamites. The area supports unique biodiversity which representative for the Annamites and Indochina region. It is confirmed that the area is home to globally threatened mammal such as saola (Psuedoryx nghetinhensis), giant muntiac (Megamuntiacus vuquangensis), truongson muntiac (Muntiacus truongsonensis), gaur (Bos gaurus) and endangered primates such as the red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus), white cheek crested gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) and hatinh langur (Trachypithecus laotum hatinhensis). Nevertheless, there is no study to confirm the existence and population status of the endemic ungulates in the nature reserve. Moreover, population of the ungulate species are considerably reduced due to intensive illigal hunting and habitat destruction.



Our project aim is to undertake a survey to confirm the presence, threat and identify distribution stronghold of the four globally threatened ungulate such as saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis), giant muntiac (Meganuntiacus vuquangensis), trongson muntiac (Muntiacus truongsonensis) and gaur (Bos gaurus) in North Huong Hoa Nature Reserve. Information gathered by the project will provide essential data for an immediate conservation action in the area. In addition, the information from survey will be used to develop a follow-up proposal on conservation endemic ungulate in Huong Hoa and Central Annamites.

The project will be carried out in 2010 by a team of Quang Tri Forest ranger with the scientific support from scientist from Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

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