29 Sep 2008 Vidarbha Region, Maharashtra, India, Indian Sub-continent Habitats
To prepare status report of Adan river basin, to search for sustainable livelihood for the anglers and to engage them in the conservation, and setting up of fish refugia along Adan River.
Future site for People's protected Area along Adan River.
Adan river basin is situated in the North Eastern Godavari basin in Central India. Godavari basin is largest and poorly explored basin of the Peninsular India. Habitat destruction, spread of invasive species and destructive fishing techniques leading to depletion of fish fauna. Poor implementation of acts and policies related to fishing communities leading to deprivation and discrimination. As a result, traditional fishing communities facing multiple problems like resource unavailability, poverty etc and fish fauna of this area is depleting seriously.
Habitat degradation.
Fresh Water Protected areas are not as popular as terrestrial protected areas. Whatever protection provided to freshwater biota is in the form of traditional sacred ponds and tanks. Thus, to prepare freshwater protected areas through people’s participation is basic aim of intended project. This objective can be achieved only when the livelihood of local dependent people is secured. It was observed that such livelihood options must be parallel with their traditional livelihood. Thus, fish culture will be a best option for them. In Washim district alone there are 380 water bodies owned by state. If this vast resource is available to local people, the livelihood problem of fishermen can be solved.
Four most important objectives of the project are:
1) To holistically study Adan river basin and to prepare status report of the same;
2) To engage fishermen of this area in the conservation of the riverine habitat by providing them sustainable livelihood opportunities through fish culture;
3) To set up fresh water protected areas at two places in first year;
4) Subsequent replication of this approach at other places of the basin.
The activities for first year are:
1. Quantitative estimation of fish fauna of Adan river basin;
2. Estimation of habitat characteristics;
3. Setting up "River Conservation Societies" in three villages;
4. Setting up two "Fish Refugia” through River Conservation Societies;
5. Preparation of database of water bodies;
6. Initiation of fish culture activities by local fishermen at two places;
7. Preparation of ‘status report’ of Adan River Basin;
8. Awareness generation campaign.
Through this project, otherwise unavailable water bodies will be available to fishermen for fish culture, thus, creates livelihood options. Through, people’s participation at minimum two places freshwater protected areas will be created. Thus, conserve fishes in particular and whole River in general. Data base of local aquatic resources will be created which will be beneficial for local grass root people, academician and government departments.