13 Jul 2011 Bembla River Basin, India, Indian Sub-continent Habitats
The aim of the project is the conservation and eco-restoration of river basins, to conserve fish fauna through holistic, ecosystem approach and to generate sustainable livelihood for fishermen and labourers.
Nursery of local plants prepared at Karanja.
Adan, Bembla and Arunavati river basins are situated in the North Eastern Godavari basin in Central India. Godavari basin is largest and poorly explored basin of the Peninsular India. Deleterious changes in the catchment area, habitat destruction spread of invasive species, dams, over use of riverine resources, unchecked use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers and destructive fishing techniques leading to depletion of fish fauna. Poor implementation of acts and policies related to fishing communities and labours leading to deprivation and discrimination. As a result, traditional fishing communities and other wetland dependent people facing multiple problems like resource unavailability, poverty, poor irrigation facility etc. In addition, fish fauna of this area is depleting seriously. Present project is strengthening and extending activities and processes started during first and second RSG.
The main aims of the project are to conserve wetland ecosystems and fish fauna through holistic, ecosystem approach and to generate sustainable livelihood for fishermen and labourers. Diverse activities in this project includes rejuvenation of local traditional decision making systems and their capacity building, data generation and preparation of status report on the present status of the wetlands, awareness generation and capacity building, deploying students power for wetland conservation, eco-restoration, livelihood generation for local people through Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guaranty Act 2005 (MNREGA) of government of India and aquaculture of local fishes and establishment of Fresh Water Protected Areas (FPAs). The project aims at preparation of eco-restoration planning of the villages resides in the river basin and building capacities of the village youth, social workers and officers of government departments.
Summarily the RSG recipient believe that, if the movement of whole basin conservation is applied, various human, ecological, economic, cultural, human resources, political and educational approaches considered while intervention then only wetlands will be saved, and sustainable life will be ensure.