Evaluating Habitat and Human-Sloth Bear Conflict in North Gujarat, India - To Seek Solutions for Human-Bear Co-existence I

Nishith Dharaiya

Other projects

11 Dec 2009

Evaluating Habitat and Human-Sloth Bear Conflict in North Gujarat, India - To Seek Solutions for Human-Bear Coexistence II

28 Jun 2012

Evaluating Habitat and Human-Sloth Bear Conflict in Gujarat State, India - To Seek Solutions for Human-Bear Coexistence III

This project aims to assess the distribution of Sloth bear population and human –bear conflicts in northeast Gujarat, with the goal of finding solutions to human-bear conflicts that will benefit both people and wildlife.

Sloth Bear.

Sloth Bear.

We will map bear range in Banaskantha district in 2008 using intensive field surveys that tap indigenous knowledge combined with records of sloth bear sign; we will conduct field surveys to detect sloth bear sign and we will interview local inhabitants that regularly use forests in their locality. Presence/absence information of sloth bears will be used with existing digital land-use data to identify landscape characteristics associated with sloth bear occupancy and identify other areas likely to be occupied by sloth bears in the region.


Concurrently, we will locate and interview individuals that have had conflict with sloth bears, identify characteristics of sites with high frequencies of human-sloth bear conflict, and analyse the context of conflicts. Thus, we will collect information on the location, nature, and circumstances of each incident so that ways of enhancing human safety can be identified.

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