Investigating Habitat Use by Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus) in Pristine Habitat in Thailand and Defining its Status in Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia
The projects aims are to investigate important aspects of the species ecological requirements and train rangers or locals to carry on a long-term monitoring plan.
Male green peafowl was caught and fitted with 15g radio-collar.
This study seeks to provide information for two key global sub-populations, one in western Thailand and one in northern Vietnam. This project aims to evaluate the remaining habitat availability of green peafowl and investigate the factors necessary for maintaining their population. The project will first study the basic ecology, habitat use, and range size of the species, focusing on the pristine population in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary (Thailand) where the forest area is highly protected from deforestation and hunting pressures.
At the same time, a survey will be conducted in Muong La and Mu Cang Chai districts (Vietnam) where the population status is currently unknown and heavy habitat disturbance is occurring. The systematic survey by both line transects and camera trapping will be conducted to investigate their occupancy and habitat variable requirements at each site. The data obtained on their tolerance threshold and ecological limiting factors, from the Thai part of the study, will be compared to what was observed in the Vietnamese part of the study to investigate the effects on their declining population. Overall, the results will be gathered and integrated within a GIS database of each site to frame a conservation action plan in those areas. This will make the ecological results obtained meaningful across the whole of Southeast Asia.