Mushroom Cultivation and Planting and Indigenous Trees for Nature Conservation in Foumban Subdivision (Cameroon)
The project aims are: 1) Study the ethnomycological knowledge of Bamoun people, 2) inform them on the importance of mushroom and 3) take the census of useful mushroom in Foumban and vicinities villages.
Lactarius gymnocarpus.
The project will be realized in the Noun division mainly Foumban and Koutaba sub-divisions. In these localities vegetation is constituted by savannah and galleries forests. The attest ecosystem is in danger due to intensive agriculture.
Russula meleagris.
This project has three objectives:
1) Survey of behavior of Bamoun people on mushroom,
2) Inform them about the importance of mushrooms and the necessity to conserve their ecosystem
3) Make a preliminary checklist of edible and medicinal mushrooms use by Bamoun people. For behavior of Bamoun on mushroom, ethno mycological survey will be done through community group discussions, this will concern among others linguistic (local name of mushrooms and popular expression where mushrooms are involve) usage of mushrooms and traditional identification of mushrooms. For capacity building on mushrooms importance, representatives of some villages will be involved in a workshop on the diversity and importance of mushrooms.
During workshops, they will learn about fungi (definition, diversity and importance), importance of forest and consequences of their destruction on biodiversity, and good ways to collect and preserve mushroom for food and trade. Participants will repeat workshops as Educative Talks in their village. In addition to workshops, communication in French and locale language will be done in interactive educational emission of the local radio “Radio Communautaire du Noun” and posters on importance of mushrooms will be posted up in villages. Pamphlets on mushrooms will be distributed. To have the preliminary checklist of edible and medicinal mushrooms in the Noun division, mycological trips will be organized in savannah and galleries forests especially during the raining season. Records will be photographed in situ, collected and dry. Species will be identified after their morphological description by their scientific name. Dry materials will be deposited in the herbarium will be deposited in some international herbaria.
The project will enhance knowledge of Bamoun people on mushrooms, their importance for human being and the environment and attract their attention in the necessity to protect their environment. It will also bring out the traditional behavior and of Bamoun people on mushrooms and contribute to enlarge the list of species of edible and medicinal mushrooms used in of Cameroon.