Updating Geographic Distribution and Habitat Conservation Status of the Land Snail Endemic Species Polymita picta and Polymita brocheri, Guantanamo, Cuba

Norvis Hernández Hernández

Other projects

29 Jun 2015

Conservation and Management of the Endemic and Threatened Species Polymita versicolor and Polymita sulphurosa, Guantánamo and Holguín, Cuba

The project aims are the updating of the geographic distribution of Polymita picta and P. brocheri, as well as to identify the principal threats for these species, which include the detection of introduced species affecting them. Besides we will implement environmental education in the communities to ensure the conservation of both terrestrial emblematic snail species.

Polymita versicolor, Cajobabo.

Polymita versicolor, Cajobabo.

The species Polymita picta and P. brocheri are endemics of eastern of Cuba and like the others species of the genus are considered threatened (Berovides, 1994; Reyes and Fernández, 1997). However the knowledge of the conservation status of these species is poor and it is not updated. P. picta is one of the most susceptible species to human depredation because of its beautiful shells and P. brocheri has an unusual shell form and presents a restricted distribution.

Two different morfos of P sulphurosa.

Two different morfos of P sulphurosa.

An elaboration of a data base of the geographical distribution of Polymita picta and Polymita brocheri, including information from the literature, collections and project’s surveys will update the distribution from both species, which is very important to implement adequate management measures. Our project will provide useful information to elaborate the proposals for the IUCN red list of these species and this will impact in the significance of the protected areas where they live as well as will justify the selection of possible new protected areas.

On the other hand the project will conduct environmental education activities and will produce informative and didactical materials that will increase the knowledge of the local people regarding these Polymita species. Another aim of the work is to assess the populations of both species with high vulnerability due to climatic. As well as we will carry out inventories of the faunal invasive species that could be impacting our target species, this information will be used in the management plans and other national projects.

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