This project aims at contributing to mangrove ecosystem conservation and restoration through environmental education and mangrove trees planting.
Relevance of the project:
Mangrove is an ecosystem which presents a high priority of conservation over the world. In Benin, mangroves represent an exceptional coastal ecosystem pertaining to the Ramsar site and are facing to regressive situation. Mangroves are used by local population for many purposes: fishes harvesting, fire wood, salt’s production and medicine’s uses. Therefore, mangrove loss may increase the vulnerability of local population to poverty since most coastal people draw the essential of their needs and income from the mangrove. In addition, mangrove destruction can release store carbon and aggravate global warming trends. Therefore, sustainable strategies for mangrove rehabilitation are required. This project will be a part of a long term program for mangroves conservation in the coastal area of Benin.
Salt production Ouidah.
This project aims at contributing to mangrove ecosystem conservation and restoration through environmental education and mangrove trees planting. Specifically, it intends:
(i) to assess the main threats to mangrove viability,
(ii) to increase the awareness of the local communities and schoolchildren on the importance of mangrove ecosystem conservation, restoration and its sustainable use,
(iii) to strengthen the capacity of the local authorities on mangrove ecosystem conservation in order to motivate them to consider mangrove restoration as priority in the communal environmental plan,
(iv) to restore the mangroves ecosystems by planting Rhizophora and Avicennia sapling
(v) to define with all the stakeholders strategic actions which will be implemented by the local authorities for mangrove conservation.
Methodology and activities:
Communication, education, public awareness and tree planting will be the tools for the project implementation. The activities of this project will include the assessment of mangrove threats in three coastal municipalities of Benin (Grand-popo, Ouidah and Sèmè-Kpodji), the environmental education in primary and secondary schools as well as in 9 selected villages, the capacity building on mangrove conservation and its sustainable use with focus on the awareness of the local authorities, and mangrove trees planting involving local population and schoolchildren.
Dissemination of main outcomes:
The expected outcomes will be communicated to the public by the middleman of the rural radio broadcastings, flyers and posters, scientific papers, and final report. Final workshop involving different stakeholders will be held.
Ultimately, the project will help then to provide keys tools and strategies for mangrove conservation and rehabilitation to local authorities as well as national forestry department, Non governmental Organization involved into nature conservation.