La Plata Dolphin Studies

Pablo Bordino

Pablo Bordino was given a Rufford Small Grant as a runner up to the 2001 Whitley Awards, and in 2002 was awarded the WildInvest Continuation Award.

The La Plata or Franciscana dolphin is among the world's smallest and most endangered dolphins, endemic to the coastal Atlantic waters off South America. They are listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, and are on the IUCN red list of endangered species. Over the last 30 years tens of thousands of these small and very shy dolphins have been killed as incidental bycatch in the long, small-meshed gillnets of local fishermen.

Pablo Bordino is the Director of a local Argentinean environmental organisation, Fundacion AquaMarine, which is dedicated to protecting the marine environment in Argentina. Pablo works with local artisanal fishermen along the coast of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina to prevent the incidental catch and subsequent deaths of the La Plata dolphin. At least 500 of these small and very shy dolphins are killed in long gillnets every year. The total population of the dolphin, its breeding, social and feeding habits, are unknown. Pablo has set up a project which he hopes will ensure the survival of this species by studying the dolphin's natural habitat, by working to overcome the problems with the fishing nets, and by establishing marine reserves along the Buenos Aires Province coast.

Most of the coastal area off the Buenos Aires province is over-fished. Pablo Bordino believes that by targeting a "flagship" species such as the La Plata Dolphin could serve to greatly protect the entire marine coastal habitat and biodiversity.

In 2002 Pablo won the WildInvest Continuation Award.

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