Investigation of Population Status and Habitats of Lutrogale perspicillata in Narayani River, Chitwan National Park

14 Apr 2011 Narayani River, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Mammals | Habitats

Paras Mani Acharya

Other projects

1 Mar 2010

Proposal to Investigate Status of Otter Distribution in Narayani River

The project aims to study population status, habitat selection and help improve conservation of Lutra perspicillata in Narayani River.


The proposed work will help in identifying the population status of otters, water quality of otter’s habitat, habitat selection of otters and creating awareness in large-scale through understanding people’s attitudes in otter conservation which will be extremely beneficial to protected area officials in implementing population/habitat monitoring and to strengthen otter conservation in river basins of Nepal. Information on population status and habitat preferences could be used by protected areas, especially in incorporating the conservation issues in Chitwan National Park management plan, aquatic species conservation plan of river basins, developing plan of action, strategy, and monitoring of habitats and population to strengthen conservation and improvement of habitats.

The project will help in determining the water quality and evaluate the habitat quality by comparing the water samples from industrial pollution affected area with core habitats. Such information may give clues to PA officials in preparing plan of action for the control of eutrophication and water pollution by monitoring and managing the otter habitats. It also determines the ecosystem health and importance of indicator species in river basins, thereby creating awareness to industrial authorities and Protected Areas officials about its impacts to key aquatic indicator carnivores in Narayani river basin. It will help to develop and enforce water pollution strategy for the control of pollution of water and improvement of wetland habitat. Understanding the habitat preferences of otters will help in developing conservation tools for its long-term conservation.

The project will improve the level of awareness of Rangers, Game scouts and local communities through their active participation in otter’s survey, discussion meetings, and training and seminar programs. Training program offered to Rangers will be extremely beneficial in developing skills in surveying and monitoring of otter populations and its habitats, strengthen patrolling of otter habitats, periodic monitoring and strict enforcement of wildlife laws and regulation.

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