30 Apr 2012 Tamandaré, Brazil, Central and Latin America Marine | Corals
Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the Northeastern Brazil I
Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the Northeastern Brazil II
Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the North-Eastern Brazil III
Coral Reef Conservation in the Largest Brazilian Marine Protected Area (MPA – Costa Dos Corais): Research, Education and Community-Based Actions
The union between local population and members of the scientific community will ensure the accomplishment of this project that encompass management, conservation and research.
This project aims to perform conservation actions regards to a coastal reef ecosystem in Northeastern Brazil an area of great importance to marine biodiversity. The project specifically goal to:
1) Empower community members to act as field agents conducting surveillance of the reef area;
2) Oversee and monitor the area to avoid impacts caused by tourism;
3) Disseminate environmental education material for conservation projects among them "Conduta consciente em ecossistemas recifais" e "Projeto Conservação Recifal";
4) Display monthly underwater visual census analyzing fish and corals to follow the possible changes in community structure related to climate change (e.g. coral bleaching).