10 Sep 2015 UWICE Research Preserve, Bhutan, Indian Sub-continent Mammals
Response of Red Panda to its Habitat with Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances in Thrumshingla National Park
This research aims to study the habitat selection by red panda in the winter season and accordingly help us understand the ecology of this elusive species. The research findings will devise a conservation strategy and habitat conservation plan of red panda within the research preserve.
Red Panda rescued and released back in research preserve.
Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE) has acquired a huge tract of forest with an area of ca. 11 square kilometers located in central Bhutan. This area is set aside as forest research preserve (FRP) and the area has a vegetation composition of bluepine forest, mixed conifer forest and fir forest. Some of the wildlife species present are Asiatic Golden Cat (Catopuma temminckii), Sambar (Rusa unicolor), Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Yellow-throated Marten (Martes flavigula), etc. Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) presence has also been confirmed through camera traps and recently, we rescued a young red panda from a man who captured from the FRP. Within FRP, red pandas are found to be using almost all types of forest and there is a need to find out what different types of habitat (including macro-habitat) does these red pandas use in the winter. People of Lamaithang village and nearby areas including the monks of Tharpaling monasteries have been seen collecting bamboos and timbers for their domestic purposes. Therefore, we need to document all the habitat variables and produce firm policies to conserve red panda and its habitat within FRP.
Through this project, UWICE will be able to devise a conservation strategy and accordingly plan for habitat conservation of the red panda within its research preserve. Local people and the monks will also be made aware about the conservation of this vulnerable species through public interactions. During the survey, these local people will be used as our porters and guides to locate our survey transects. They will also help us survey the area and in return they will be paid for their labour contribution. In this way, proper conservation strategies for red panda will be in place and people will be educated.
The research findings of this project will be shared with the students, who come for nature expedition to UWICE and thereby inculcate sense of love and affection to the red panda and other wildlife at large. Finally, the findings of the study will be shared with other institutions through workshops and seminars and this will help red panda gain conservation popularity in the whole country.