17 Jan 2004 Varghis Gorge Nature Reserve, Harghita, Romania, Europe Communities | Habitats | Education
The main aim of the project is the sustainable conservation and use of Vârghis Gorge Natural Reserve.
Iris aphylla.
Vârghis Gorge is one of the first protected areas taken in administration by an NGO in Romania. Starting with this year the administration of the area is in the hands of our partner organization.
Vipera berus
The main activities for the conservation are as follows: complex research of the area (botanical, zoological, spelaeological, land use in the area) and elaboration of a management plan for the Vârghis Gorge natural reserve, in collaboration with local stakeholders and land owners. After this step the plan must be implemented, under the supervision of the Scientific and Administrative Council, involving the local community