Threatened Species in Cebu, Philippines

8 Dec 2003 Cebu Island, Philippines, Asia Birds | Mammals | Plants | Bats

Philip Godfrey Jakosalem

Other projects

12 Jul 2007

"Siloy Project” Phase 3: Strengthening Community-Based Biodiversity Conservation in Selected Forest Sites of Cebu, Philippines

Community Based Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives in Southern Cebu, Philippines

The male Cebu Black Shama.

The male Cebu Black Shama.

Cebu Island is considered to be one of the most degraded areas in the Philippines yet the island is also one of the hottest of hotspots for biodiversity conservation. Though the almost complete deforestation of Cebu has led to the extinction of many birds and other wildlife formerly resident on the island, there are still various endemic species tobe found here, two of which are globally threatened and found nowhere else in the world (Cebu Flowerpecker and Black Shama).

A new island record, Least Pipistrell.

A new island record, Least Pipistrell.

This project aims to conduct research on the threatened birds and bats of Cebu. A Conservation Education Program will be achieved through a series of biodiversity lectures and mobile education units and capacity building through a Wildlife Awareness Training Program targeting Biology students, Youth Council, Barangay Police and mountaineering groups.

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