3 May 2016 Winneba, Ghana, Africa Marine | Communities | Habitats
Sustainable Community Conservation of Borassus aethiopum in the Transitional Zone of Ghana
Sea Turtle Conservation: By-Catch Handling and Release Practices for Fishermen in Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site, Ghana
This project aims to produce a local conservation model at Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site, which can be utilized by the community to ensure sustained utilization of marine and coastal resources. Communal management system will be utilized for mangrove ecosystem multiple land use purposes, improved fish processing and marketing, education and public awareness creation, research and ground-based communal action for productive and profitable fisheries, coastal ecosystem conservation and/or resilience and rural improved livelihood
A Rocha Ghana through Rufford funding has worked with Communities and other stakeholders in the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site, Ghana. This continuation project has been designed and planned based on a need assessment carried out in consultation with local communities, Rufford supported grantees of the site and other stakeholders. Assessment indicates that, different conservation works has been patchy. Also, continued human induced activities combined with potential impacts of climate change will likely accelerate threat to marine coastal resources of the area and human wellbeing. Despite the importance of Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site area, most mangrove areas has already been lost, with no consensus yet for the rate of loss. Patchy works, unsustainable human use- especially clear mangrove cutting, poor fishing practices, and pollution will affect the resilience of the marine coastal ecosystem to adapt to changing conditions. This project will synergize all conservation work at the site through:
1. Improved local governance of coastal areas through the adoption of a local community based management model.
2. Multiple land use approach for Mangrove ecosystems (zoned areas for beekeeping, research, restoration etc.)
3. Diversification and enhancement of livelihood alternatives increasing incomes and improving processing and marketing improvements in apiculture and fisheries sectors