23 Nov 2016 Udyapur, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Birds | Education
National Owl Conservation Action Plan: Laying Ground Work for Long-Term Owl Conservation in Nepal
Implementation of Owl Conservation Action Plan (2020-2029) in Gandaki Province, Central Nepal
Conservation of owls in eastern Nepal by reducing the threats i.e. hunting, illegal trade and conservation outreach activities
Efforts were made to conserve this species in the lowlands and western hills of Nepal recently with the help of conservation awareness programs. The hills in the eastern region, however, were not included then. Though, the recent media highlighted owls as one of the most heavily hunted and traded bird species in the region. There was a roughly estimation of 2000 number of owls either traded to India and China annually. The proposed project will undertake an array of education initiatives on owls that include conservation booklet, conservation workshops, school awareness camps, radio programs, production and distribution of the conservation materials.