Fungi Biodiversity Study and its Conservation through Conservation Active Learning at the Ranomafana National Park

9 May 2014 Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, Africa Fungi | Education

Ravonjiarisoa Doda James Patrice

Other projects

15 Nov 2016

Macrofungi Biodiversity Study through Scientific and Leadership Training in Dry and Rainy Forest of Madagascar

This project contribute to improve the conservation training by active and scientific method and to tackle the lack of knowledge and research work on Fungi group at the rainyforest of Ranomafana.


Madagascar is a world hotspot of biodiversity. Many Malagasy endemics species are unregistered in the IUCN red list as threaten species because the loss of their natural habitat and many pressures by human activities. Many species or taxa as well are not well known then they are threatening to disappear like Fungi. Therefore, Fungi taxa play a very important role for the humanity and for the ecosystem. Some Malagasy people eat it; others use it as a job to get some money. As a saprophyte, the Fungi play an important role in the transformation of organic matter to mineral matter. It play role as well in the bioremediation and the phytorestauration. Anyway, the Malagasy people in general are not well informed about their responsibility to their biodiversity because the lack of information, education and training. So, the active participation of the Malagasy people is indispensable to achieve the challenge of biodiversity conservation. This active participation begins with the pupils, students with their trainers. These students and the pupils have to undertake action about biodiversity conservation and later sensitize their parents, their family and their friends to do so. Madagascar biodiversity conservation needs spirit of enterprise and responsibility.

The objects of this project are:

To improve the conservation training by active method (interactive and living method) which stimulates the spirit of entrepreneurship and the critical thinking of the students, and stimulate them to undertake action to biodiversity conservation. We Improve and practice the teaching active strategy which focused on Fungi conservation. It correspond of Kolb’s learning cycle by experiencing, examining, explaining and applying

To contribute to the data collection about the fungi current status, its ecology, its distribution and to contribute the establishment of fungi conservation plan

* Evaluate the relationship of fungi biodiversity to forest disturbance and health;

*Research on ecology of fungi including beneficial linkages with plants and animals;

*Carry out surveys of fungi biodiversity, including engaging community involvement;

To contribute to the public awareness about Fungi conservation and its relationship with biodiversity and rainforest conservation; The project will focus on pupils in the primary and secondary schools ( Ranomafana, Fianarantsoa (the town) and Antananarivo (the town) and the peoples in the villages around the Ranomafana National Parks.- To upgrade the malagasy traditional knowledge about biodiversity especially the ethnomycological.

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