Sustainable Management in Vanatori Neamt Natural Park’s European Bison Population

12 Sep 2006 Vanatori Neamt Natural Park, Romania, Europe Mammals | Biodiversity | Education | Habitats

Razvan Deju

Other projects

24 Jun 2008

Evaluation of Suitable Sites for European Bison in Oriental Carpathians’ Protected Areas

The main contribution of this project will be the increment of the capacity for biodiversity conservation in Romania particularly for the reintroduction of bison.


Once spread all around Carpathians, at the end of XVIII century bison could be found in freedom only in so called “Bison Land” (a continuous area means the North-East of Transylvania and North-West of Moldavia, where Vanatori Neamt Natural Park(VNNP) is now located). Since 1999, VNNP developed a bison reintroduction program in order to release in freedom animals for establishing a new free herd. The bison, apart from its natural function as a keystone species, can serve as an excellent flagship species for the promotion of nature conservation and the creation of public awareness. Its very presence would also provide economic benefits through an increased attractiveness of the region for eco-tourists, naturalists, etc. For these reasons, the interest in Romania for the free bison herds is increasing and a management plan in order to obtain national support and development is required. Also, restoration of the bison to Romanian Carpathians is critical for the success of re-establishment program for this species in Carpathian Mountains (there are free bison in Polish, Slovak and Ukrainian Carphatians) since this vast part of the Carphatian range ( more than a half) may provide the majority of potential natural refuges for the bison in the future.


The main contribution of this project will be the increment of the capacity for biodiversity conservation in Romania particularly for the reintroduction of bison.

In order to establish a number of smaller sub-populations, adequate to local habitats and having a chance for a mutual contact in natural way it is necessary an active management program including habitat analysis, followed by a design of ecological corridors providing linkage among home ranges of future bison populations, assuring an appropriate rate of supplementing the genetic pool of particular herds, veterinary treatments, winter feeding, monitoring, threats.

The impact of large herbivores on vegetation and ancient agricultural practices created and perpetuated a cultural landscape (park-like woods, upland grazed woods) which maintained the original forest biodiversity. In order to preserve this biodiversity the forest management must be changed incorporating large herbivores’ impact.

The European bison is included among the priority species for Natura 2000 system. A Management plan of free European Bison in Romania will be useful into the planning of the Romanian part of Natura 2000 network (it must take into consideration also the corridors linking Vanatori park with other neighbouring abroad protected areas as Bukovynskaia Reserve in Ukraine).

Education: Our organization will address mainly to the schools and ecological clubs neighbouring the bison release area. Three theoretically and field trainings (three days) will be done in order to observe bison (spoors, tracks, feeding etc). Based on this training, our local volunteers will help us further. For theoretically session will be used an existing Ecosilvex booklet.

Survey and monitoring: Precious observations can be done using direct observations (behaviour, suitable habitats, resting, birth places, and damages for forest).

Database: The data obtained as a result of surveying and monitoring done by volunteers will be gather in a database which will respect forest terminology in order to be easy to handle anywhere in Carphatians.

Corridors: The obtained datas within Vanatori Neamt area will be apply for evaluation of potential migrating corridors of the bison will be designed among protected areas in north-eastern Romania, as well as towards existing bison range in southern Ukraine.

Forest management plan: Proposals of modifying existing forest management plan in order to assure good conditions for bison herds respecting also FSC’s principles.

Public awareness: Raising the public attention about the presence of bison in freedom. Volunteers will be deeply involved in conceiving media releases, leaflets, etc.

Sharing experience: Workshop for dissemination of work and strategy developed under this project.

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