10 Jul 2009 Assam, India, Indian Sub-continent Primates | Mammals
The primary aim of this project is to introduce Golden langur to a larger section of people beyond scientific community and to carry the message of conservation of this endangered species by bringing about two popular books, one each in English and Assamese language respectively.
Golden langur (Trachypithecus Geei), an endangered species of primate is endemic to India and Bhutan. The natural distribution range of the species is restricted to a small forested area bounded by the rive Manas in the east, Sankosh in the west and Brahmaputra in the south. Habitat loss and habitat fragmentation are the primary threats to the Golden Langur in India. Various workers have carried out a number of scientific studies on status, distribution, demography, ecology and behaviour of Golden Langur since its discovery in 1953 by E.P. Gee. Very recently a few education, awareness and community participation programs have been conducted in selected localities in the distribution range of the Golden Langur in India as a part of its conservation.
However, large section of the people from both habitat and non-habitat areas still do not know the basic facts about the species mainly because of the confinement of information generated from various researches to the scientific communities. This is not a positive sign from conservation point of view because in the current approach of conservation, participation of people from different walks of life especially from habitat areas has been highly emphasized.
In this context it has been felt that a popular book with all the basic facts about Golden Languar will be the best way to introduce this endangered species to a greater section of people. Hence to fill this lacunae, the current project aims to bring two books, one each in English and Assamese language respectively on Golden Langur incorporating all necessary information on taxonomy, distribution, demography, ecology, behaviour, threat and conservation about the species. It has been hoped that a greater understanding generated from the necessary information in the books will motivate the people to come forward for the conservation of this beautiful creature. The Assamese book will carry the message of conservation of Golden Langur within the State of Assam while the English version of the book will carry the message of conservation beyond the distribution range of the species.