11 Jan 2007 New Delhi, India, Indian Sub-continent People | Education
The centre is in response to the need to keep a watch, as well as challenge Environment Impact Assessment reports which are based of inadequate and improper assessment of the impact of developmental activities on wild flora and fauna.
The aim is to set up the EIA Resource/Response Centre (ERRC). The centre is in response to the need to keep a watch, as well as challenge Environment Impact Assessment reports which are based of inadequate and improper assessment of the impact of developmental activities on wild flora and fauna.
The importance of the project arises in view of the fact that habitat destruction (due to such activities as building of Dams, Industrial Complexes, Highways etc) is among the single greatest reason for the disappearance of wildlife and unless EIA documents, on the basis of which the projects are approved, are scientifically evaluated and legally challenged vital wildlife habitats will be lost forever.
The project will specifically focus on the following areas:
• Creation of a data base of EIA reports;
• Conducting alternative EIA’s;
• Challenging faulty EIA;
• Interventions and Participation at Public Hearings;
• Creating awareness among communities and NGO’s about the EIA process.