29 Sep 2016 Chaukul Plateau, India, Indian Sub-continent Habitats | Plants
This project aims to document herbaceous vegetation and conservation of a lateritic plateau- Chaukul Plateau (Amboli) by community involvement and creating awareness.
Field visit to plateau. © Anup Deshpande, Department of Botany, Goa University
Endemic flora of northern part of Western Ghats is rich in herbaceous form and they are mostly present on plateaus. Due to their unique topography, rainfall pattern and climatic conditions they harbour rich biodiversity and show high percentage of endemism. In addition to that most of the new species described in recent past are from plateaus. However these plateaus are neglected as barren lands. Chaukul Plateau is located close to Amboli which is one of the famous tourist places in Maharashtra. Though it is biodiversity rich area, this has not explored fully. As we have recently rediscovered Lepidagathis clavata- Stenoendemic species, after 166 years from this plateau, vegetation of plateau have not yet documented fully. So this plateau has been selected for documentation of herbaceous vegetation and conservation from different threats like fire, windmill, construction of hotels etc. This project is In-situ conservation of herbaceous species which are endemic and habitat specific by community involvement.
During this project herbaceous vegetation will be studied by extensive field work. Different activities will be carried out such as workshops, nature trail etc. for local people, school children, forest department and Biodiversity Management Committee. These activities aim to create awareness and enthusiasm for conservation of Plateau.