4 Apr 2024 Dahijhoda Community Forest, Arjundhara - 04, Jhapa, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Reptiles | Education | Turtles
Of the 19 extant taxa of turtles known to occur in Nepal, the Elongated tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) is the only species that exhibits a complete terrestrial lifestyle. The species is distributed in lowland Terai and midland region of Nepal, where it faces extreme anthropogenic pressures including habit encroachment, hunting and collection for consumption, pet sake and trade. The species is listed as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List and is included in Appendix II of CITES. Information on its distribution, ecology and life history is scarce. The cryptic nature of this species makes it even difficult to study wild population. Yet it is known that the elongated tortoise are in serious decline throughout its range by habitat loss, human-induced forest fires, excessive collection for food, ethno medicinal uses, religious offerings, pet and trade. The species faces a growing risk of extinction worldwide, and therefore requires immediate attention for its conservation.
Elongated tortoise maintained at Turtle Rescue and Conservation Centre (TRCC). © Sabin Adhikari.
To address this pressing issue and enhance the long-term survival of this species, we aim to conduct a comprehensive study on their status and implement conservation measures to reduce the prevalent threats in Jhapa district of Southeastern Nepal. The proposed project will improve the conservation outlook for this species by expanding our knowledge of species distribution, habitat preferences and threats through social surveys and field search. Subsequently, this information will help us in identifying priority areas to target our future conservation intervention. The project will inspire active engagement of various stakeholders in conservation activities through community workshops, school programs and awareness campaign encompassing social media, news outlet and scientific publications. These comprehensive initiatives are expected to foster positive attitudes within local communities and increase stakeholders’ collaboration to conserve the species. A comprehensive understanding of species distribution and their associated threats will also help in formulation of site-specific conservation measures.
Header: Habitat of Elongated tortoise in Southeastern Nepal. © Sabin Adhikari.