Conservation of Coral Reef in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (KK Reef Watch)

26 Feb 2008 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, Asia Marine | Education

Salha Hassan Alban

The project aims to raise marine conservation awareness among high school students in Kota Kinabalu through our marine education program ('i see, i care, i save' education program).

Collected rubbish were sorted into different categories eg. glass, paper, plastic before being sent to mainland for disposal.

Collected rubbish were sorted into different categories eg. glass, paper, plastic before being sent to mainland for disposal.

Kota Kinabalu is one of the most rapidly developing cities in Malaysia furthermore almost all of the developments planned are along the coastal areas. The reefs in Kota Kinabalu are in immediate proximity of these developments. From previous studies, it was discovered that coral reefs in our marine park (Tunku Abdul Rahman Park) has experienced significant change with an overall decrease in coral cover as well as coral diversity. Threats affecting our coral reefs condition came from not just rapid developments but from various other sources such as pressure from tourism sector, people living around the park and natural causes such as COT outbreaks and bleaching due to global warming. There is a lack of concern in our society about the impact of these developments on coral reefs and marine life. This indifference is probably due to lack of awareness on coral reefs importance.

A beach clean-up activity on 31st January 2008 at the Manukan Island within the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. Photo shows a Sabah Marine Park personel giving briefing on the marine park area to participants of symposium. Participants came from various agencies

A beach clean-up activity on 31st January 2008 at the Manukan Island within the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. Photo shows a Sabah Marine Park personel giving briefing on the marine park area to participants of symposium. Participants came from various agencies

Currently there is no subject or program in our school that emphasize on environmental awareness. Therefore, we recognize the need to initiate a marine conservation program in local schools to raise awareness. We believe the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. The idea is by instilling conservation awareness when they are young, the decisions they make in the future will always be influence by their understanding of the importance of conserving our environment. We are targeting high school students through education. We have set up a marine education program we call the 'i see, i care, i save' marine education program. We plan to select a few students from every school in Kota kinabalu to participate in our program. In return, they will be our ambassadors at their schools and be responsible in spreading marine conservation awareness to their fellow schoolmates, parents and teachers. The benefits of this program to the school students are much more than just gaining an appreciation of the environment, but it will also improve their English and hone their leadership skills.

KK Reef Watch was invited to a coral reef symposium (Status and Management of Coral Reefs in Sabah) from 29th to 31st January 2008. The symposium was held to provide opportunity for coral reef researchers, managers, government agencies, NGOs and user groups to share information and ideas concerning coral reefs in Sabah. The symposium gave us the opportunity to promote our marine awareness program and getting good inputs and advice from the coral reef experts and educators from around the world. The symposium is part of our effort in networking with other agencies interested in coral reef conservation and education and getting more support for our marine awareness program.

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