The project aims to determine the hotspots in the intercity road between Ankara and Kastamonu provinces (Central Anatolia, TURKEY) to prevent roadkills of raptors with road survey and citizen science methods. According to the outcomes of the 1st round RSG project, the roadkill is one of the most important threats against raptors notably Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus), Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo), Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and threatened species like Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) and Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus). In that context, the project wants to achieve proposing and applying conservation and precautionary actions to prevent further cases in the region.
Long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) is one of most common victims of the road kills in the project area. © Berkay Özünlü
The first action will be regular road surveys in the 100 km part of the intercity road along Ankara, Çankırı and Kastamonu provinces to deepen our knowledge to create conservation plans which are specialized for the region. While doing that, it will continue to treat and rehabilitate the injured raptors in the clinic in the coordination of the project team with support of local governmental organizations and universities. Secondly, the project aims to minimize the other threats towards the raptors that have critical roles in the ecosystem as top predators. The project team actively will be in the field for the road surveys, but also continue to monitor the existing and possible new threats against raptors.
Apart from the road surveys, the project will focus on the inclusion of local communities and all other people, which use and interact with the road via citizen science method. A mobile app will be created to report any roadkill in the intercity road. By this, people will be able to send a photo of roadkill and date/location info easily. So, the project will gain more data to support the road survey with the help of citizens, when the people will feel to be part of a conservation action. Additionally, the project continues birdwatching and informative/awareness raising activities with children and young people. We will prepare creative contents for children and young people that could be accessible through online platforms such as raptors guide, information cards and a creative video series on raptors.