29 Aug 2006 Tonle Sap,, Cambodia, Asia Forests | Communities | Habitats
The project will contribute to flooded conservation, in this case in the area of Tonlesap in Boribo District, Kompong Chhnang Province, Cambodia, by building awareness of local communities on how their livelihood on fisheries is being affected by destroying the flooded forest and also by the aquatic plant called water hyacinth.
Tree seedling in nursery.
The flooded forest is a critical habitat for the fisheries of Tonlesap which provide a very important source of livelihood to Community at Tonlesap and surrounding.
Community removing Water Hyacinth at ToleSap.
The flooded forest destruction in Tonlesap region is occurring at an alarming rate. The cause is not only human beings, but also by the unwanted floating water plant called “water hyacinth”. Millions of young seedlings from the flooded forest tree species are being smothered by the dense mats of water hyacinth and the fully grown trees are being destroyed for household cooking as fuelwood.
The experience of Development and Appropriate Technology (DATe) on flooded forest conservation and sustainable management at Tonlesap Lake is on the dissemination of Improved Cookstove which could save fuelwood up to 30% and replanting the flooded forest.
Based on these achievements of flooded forest conservation at Tonlesap, now the community are proposing to expand project on flooded forest restoration and conservation.
The project will contribute to flooded conservation, in this case in the area of Tonlesap in Boribo District, Kompong Chhnang Province, Cambodia, by building awareness of local communities on how their livelihood on fisheries is being affected by destroying the flooded forest and also by the aquatic plant called water hyacinth. Providing awareness, education and information on conservation to the community so they will feel that Tonlesap lake is their means of livelihood and needs to be protected. The project also develops tree nurseries in the community and involves school children, will give them a feeling of ownership and stewardship.
The project will bring appropriate solutions to conserve the natural resources at Tonlsap in sustainable management. In this direction, the project will:
- Produce flooded forest seedlings in the nurseries and replant them in areas where flooded forest is destroyed.
- Try removing water hyacinths plants that are covering the natural flooded forest seedling
- Build a strong awareness on flooded forest conservation, especially among the youth
- Provide environmental education and sustainable natural resources management
Proposed activities
A1- Participatory approach, two workshops on the livelihoods of Tonlesap lake communities involving 200 households.
A2- Discussion with school children about Tonlesap lake, flora and fauna, flooded forest destruction, and means of remedial approach- focus on three schools.
B1- 100 household members will participate in removing the water hyacinth plants.
B2- Train 10 local members to produce handicrafts from water hyacinth
C1- Create 2 flooded forest tree nurseries, one in the community and one in the school area.
C2- Plant the trees involving both the community and the school children
C3- Prepare hand book on the seeds, seedling collection, and plantation.