Mini Arribada of European Pond Turtle (Emys orbcularis) at Northern Range Limit in the Southern Taiga Zone. Inventory of Communal Nesting Aggregations And Conservation Of The Biggest European Population (Belarus)
Numerous Nesting Aggregations in the European Pond Turtle in South Belarus: Distribution, Current Threats, and Primary Priorities for Steady Conservation (Belarus)
The project is focused on 2 points: creation of the turtle reserve network in the biggest nesting sites and developing of the National plan of this chelonian conservation in Belarus.
Nest building by the female at the end of May.
The European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) is the only freshwater turtle in the most part of Europe, a rare threatened species included in Red Book of IUCN (LR:nt category) and list of endangered animals of many countries. In south Belarus, in extreme environments, the unusual phenomenon, mass nesting aggregations of the females, was detected. Breeding habitats are reproductive centres of local populations and play the important role in their recruitment. Such phenomenon is very similar to social behaviour of big sea turtles («the arribada»). Breeding habitat distribution, reasons of an origin of nest-site fidelity, mechanisms of turtle navigation during migration are not clear. Any protection actions were not conducted.
The expected results of conservation work:
1) 5-9 largest nesting habitats of the European pond turtle, where not less than 40-50 females lay the eggs, in divers river basins and regions, will be reserved. This measure will enable to preserve an uncommon phenomenon (arribada) and several viable belarusian populations.
2) For the first time in Belarus the National plan of this chelonian conservation, including results of the current population status estimation, map of micro reserves distribution with their detailed description, effective measures of population management and recovery in protected and unprotected areas, will be developed;
3) 4-5 initiative commands of natives will continue the protection and monitoring of nesting aggregations and habitats in key areas. These teams may be used in the ecotourism, for showing of the wonderful phenomenon, collective nesting of freshwater turtle in the south taiga zone.
4) We will test different approaches for protection of the clutches and communal terrestrial habitats against predators. These results will be extended among conservationists of surrounding countries.
5) Special Website on the European pond turtle and arribada in Belarus will be made (distribution, life history, ecological features, photo and video);
6) Two environmental films about our Rufford Small Grant Foundation projects and management actions in the National Park "Pripyatsky" will be made and shown in the First National Channel of TV.
7) Coloured poster regarding the conservation problems of the turtle (500 copies) will be designed and distributed in schools, State institutions, among staff of the forest department, locals, fishermen, tourists.
8) GIS technology will be used for nesting habitat searching (selection of favourable sites using space photos and their next field control);
9) Attention of the public and nature protection organizations to conservation problems of the turtle will be attracted.