9 Nov 2016 Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve, Bhutan, Indian Sub-continent Carnivores | Communities | Mammals
Cave Biodiversity Conservation; Documenting Cave-Dwelling Invertebrates and Capacity Building in Khoma, Bhutan
My project aim is to find out Distribution, Habitat assessment and understanding threats to Red Panda in Haa District
Red panda (Ailurus fulgens) photographed in Jigme Dorji National Park. ©Sonam Dorji, JDNP.
The Red panda (Ailurus fulgens), the sole member of the family Ailuridae is one of the most charismatic mammals in the world. Despite their popularity, the status and distribution of red pandas in the wild are poorly known throughout their range. The Red panda is listed in “Appendix I” by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and listed as “Endangered” species as per the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The main cause for the rapid decline in red panda population is habitat loss and degradation driven anthropogenic activities like deforestation, firewood collection and bamboo extraction, followed by hunting and poaching.
In Bhutan, although Red Panda is listed as the protected species under the Schedule-I of the Forest and Nature Conservation Act of Bhutan, the current status and extent of distribution of Red Panda is largely unknown. Therefore habitat status and conservation threats study is found to be crucial and timely at this juncture.
Today, the study area (Tegola pass) region has been heavily altered with construction of new national high way and has open up otherwise inaccessible red panda habitats, resulting in felling of mature trees and bamboo undergrowth. With no assessment conducted, it remains uncertain where and how far habitat is being altered due to disturbances. There is urgent need to take up conservation initiatives.
Considering this, the study will attempt to collate all available information on distribution and threats so that conservationists can develop policies and guidelines for conservation of Red panda.
The proposed study aims to generate important baseline information on Red Panda’s, distribution, potential habitat and pertinent threats. The project will also contribute to build up literature basis for conservation need of Panda and generate scientific opinion on the global status of this species and call for regional cooperation to save this Endangered species from extinction.
Furthermore the project will build framework for further research on Red Panda for Bhutan as well as for the entire home range countries. The project will also cover awareness campaign for local people to make them aware of the threaten status and conservation needs of Red Panda.