Galliformes of Central Region of Wangchuck Centennial Park, Bhutan

5 Dec 2014 Wangchuck Centennial Park, Bhutan, Indian Sub-continent Birds

Sonam Tashi

The study aims to generate the diversity, distribution, density, abundance, and habitat use pattern of Glliformes in Wangchuck Centennial Park along with the dissemination of information on conservation of Galliformes.

Female Himalayan Monals. © Sonam Tashi.

Female Himalayan Monals. © Sonam Tashi.

Galliformes is least studied in Wangchuck Centennial Park: Bhutan, although Galliformes plays a vital role as bio-indicators because of their vulnerability to human exploitation, sensitivity to habitat degradation and central position in the food web. The park being the kingdom’s latest edition of the protected area, very less is done on Galliformes research. Due to this knowledge deficit and in strengthening the park’s conservation management plan, the study aims to generate the diversity of Galliformes, distribution, density, abundance, habitat use, and awareness.

Blood pheasant male and female.

Blood pheasant male and female.

The result from this study aims to benefit the whole Himalayan region in terms of collective conservation management plan within and with adjacent neighboring countries where the birds are found. Density and abundance will help in delineating the specific area as the Galliformes dwelling zone and promote for Eco-tourism. On other hand this research will provide baseline data of the study area that can be refereed with entire country. Similarly the study on the habitat use and detail ecology of the species will help the Park authorities to generate sustainable and suitable conservation plan. Moreover, the study will help to create awareness among rural communities as well as school level students for the conservation of Galliformes in the study area. It will also help to take remarkable action against wildlife poaching and trade for the concern authorities. This project shall be milestone in conservation of Gallifomes in Bhutan, considering the sheer importance of such charismatic group of birds.

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