31 Oct 2013 Mayurbhan, India, Indian Sub-continent Education | Bats
Exploring the bat fauna of Similipal Biosphere Reserve and fostering the conservation through outreach activities among local communities, students and forest officials.
Being an ecosystem service provider as pollinator, seed disperser and insect pest controller, bats are highly neglected studied subject for conservation. Very rare attempt has been made to explore these groups of mammals in Odisha in comparison to other mammalian fauna. Similipal Biosphere Reserve covering an area of 5569 km2 is known to be the biodiversity rich area of the state and well represents the biological diversity of Odisha, but unfortunately its bat fauna is totally unexplored. Our aim is to bridge that information gap through a series of scientific survey as well as sensitize the local communities through various outreach activities for the conservation of these volant mammals.
The entire area of Similipal Biosphere Reserve will be divided in to 25 km2 grids and survey will be carried out at each grid by using mist nets and calls will be recorded by using a bat detector. Local people’s views and experience will be taken under consideration for identifying different roosts in their locality. The recorded call will be used to strengthen the eco-call library of Indian Bats. During survey, local forest department staff, local youths and community will be involved so that they can get a firsthand knowledge on bat survey as well as the surveyor will devote time to make them understand the key to identify different species and their natural history.
We aim to make a first report on bat fauna of Similipal Biosphere Reserve and its adjoining areas, first photographic documentation of Bats form Similipal Biosphere Reserve at different educational and community places of Odisha, train Forest Department front line staffs on bat survey as well as, sensitized local community and students through different conservation awareness programs, talks, interactions, leaflets and posters. The detailed report will be shared with the state forest department and the authority of the Biosphere Reserve to prepare a conservation action plan of these species in the area.