26 Mar 2008 Achham District, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Communities | Education | Mammals
Institutional Strengthening and Awareness Raising for Sustainable Conservation of Critically Endangered Achhami Cattle, Nepal
The major aim of this project is to contribute to Achhami cattle conservation efforts highlighting on the impact of current practices of cross breeding that threatens the genetic purity in Achham. district of Nepal
Achhami cattle grazing on pastureland.
Locals will take part in conservation activities, if they realize genetic importance of these indigenous cattle. This project will try to empower them for conserving Achhami Cattle. Since it suits in low input systems, a farmer can rear several cattle together and get several benefits like milk and organic manure. As the organic manure increases soil fertility and crop productivity, livelihood of poor farmers will be better. The illegal trading of the cattle will be reduced. The project will also be helpful to develop and implement the appropriate program for the government/NGOs involved in biodiversity conservation. The interaction and workshop programs will explore the real status of the cattle, thereby helping to design the appropriate programs for the conservation of these cattle at national and local level. Likewise, documentation programs will be instrumental to document and disseminate the essential information about the need for and importance of indigenous animal genetic resources in Nepal. It is also helpful to provide milk for hilly and mountainous people. It will be the best breed among other exotic breed in term of adoptability and disease resistance.
Achhami bullocks moving forward cowshed from pastureland.
In this situation, this project will try to retain the Achhami Cattle population, which is decreasing due to limited knowledge about the importance of it. The major aim of this project is to contribute to Achhami cattle conservation efforts in Acham district of Nepal through activities for raising awareness among local people. The project will highlight on the impact of current practices of cross breeding that threatens the genetic purity of Achhami cattle Interaction program will be conducted with representative from Animal Breeding Division, National Animal Science Research Institute (NASRI), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and concerned District Livestock Service Offices (DLSOs).
Teaching program to impart theoretical/practical knowledge about the importance of the breed will be conducted to the representatives of local clubs, farmers, JTA etc. by the cattle specialists. An oratory contest will be conducted among the college level students about the importance of the indigenous cattle at local level.
Booklet will be prepared in local language to organize the information related to cattle & its importance & will be distributed to different organizations at local and national level. At least two information centres will be developed to disseminate the information at local level. These centres will be provided published and non-published documents.