16 Jun 2014 Bryansk, Russia, Asia Invertebrates | Education
The main aim of project is expanding the recently established butterfly monitoring scheme in the region by involving of volunteers. It will allow us to determinate key butterfly areas, assess threats, and identify mitigation measures for butterfly conservation. Project will result in recommendations for the future management of butterflies for local communities and development of conservation strategy in region and communities. Raising public awareness on butterflies through educational activities is also important.
Polyommatus coridon.
The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 recognizes the poor conservation status of grassland and of their characteristic butterflies. It is the same situation in south-west non-black soil area. Grassland is a major land-cover type on these areas. Butterflies may act as valuable biological indicators of the state of grassland biodiversity.
The main goal of our project is spreading butterfly conservation activities in grassland areas of south west non-black soil area to ultimately help stem the decline in butterflies and grassland biodiversity. We will organize series of workshops for volunteers. They will gain knowledge, skills and new information on butterfly monitoring methods and current activity. Local communities and stakeholders will be invited to participate in the project. They will organize new transects with our help. An expanded volunteer network for data gathering will be established. This expanded network will fill the current knowledge gap on trends in butterfly distribution and abundance in the region. Information on distribution rare butterfly species will help us to determinate Prime Butterfly Areas (PBA).
Determination of PBAs is a very important tool for butterfly conservation. PBAs will cover habitats out target grassland butterfly species. We will involve members of local communities and citizen scientists in conservation actions. Our expert project team will pay special attention to elimination and weakening of threats for grasslands with PBA status.
The project will pay spatial attention to raising public awareness and engaging a variety of stakeholders. Different group of people will be invited to become involved in a range of education activities. To meet this objective, special educational packs will be prepared. We will organize series of lectures, field trips, competitions for children and adults. Our special attention will be focus on landowners of grasslands. We will develop recommendation for local communities directed on weakness and/or eliminations of threats for grassland butterflies.