A study of Pygmy Cormorant ecology and the ornithofauna of the region.
Pygmy Cormorant.
The stream of Maritsa River between the towns of Plovdiv and Pazardjik in Bulgaria. Over 10% of the European Pygmy Cormorants population is wintering along Marista River. The river is a natural corridor for migrating and wintering birds with high conservation status.
The negative attitude of the public towards fish-eating birds and the illegal hunting are jeopardizing factors for many threatened species. Volunteers and ornithology experts will patrol a section of Maritsa River, gather valuable information on Pygmy Cormorant ecology and the ornithofauna of the region and guard the vulnerable Pygmy Cormorant night roost.
Lectures will be carried out in the local schools and students will be encouraged to take part in the conservation activities.